Saturday, June 30, 2012


Well, we developed - and introduced through  - the only plates IN THE WORLD that KeepFoodHot throughout the meal: HotSmart Plates ; now we need to figure out a way that people know they exist and help them find them (Will you please RT and like us on Facebook? I will really appreciate it, I am the inventor).

The hardest thing is convincing people that something that you microwave for ONLY ONE minute will stay still hot after half hour. It takes about 15 minutes to consume your meal so I designed HotSmarts to stay HOT for more than 30 minutes just in case...

What I didn't foresee is that the plate would be adopted by caregivers, WLS patients and many other people with special needs (The elder, people with Alzheimer's, stroke, Parkinson's and in general for eating slowly for a number of reasons.

Did you know eating slowly helps prevent overeating, obesity, type 2 diabetes and many other bad things related to obesity? However since food gets cold,  you need a good tool to help you: A plate to KeepFoodHot

The following are links to very reliable sources, trust me:

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